Tuesday, May 12, 2015

6 Weeks Out

So actually I'm POSTING this at about 5 1/2 weeks out, but my most current progress picture is from 6 weeks out.  So it's my 6 week out update just half a week late! ;)

So the last 2 or 3 weeks have been a little rough.  No cheating on my diet or anything, everything is still on point in that aspect.  Mentally however, it's been difficult.  I was feeling completely drained.  My joints, muscles and bones were feeling really achey.  Getting through a workout was sometimes so difficult that it brought tears to my eyes. I didn't quit and I still showed up.  Even when doubt and negative thoughts were screaming in my head with every step I took to walk into that gym, I still showed up.  I have one day off a week and even then, I still have cardio to get done.  This was and IS a choice. I'm determined to KNOW that I gave it my all when I step on that stage and that I didn't cut any corners.  I never want ANYONE to question my dedication to this.  I want to make my friends and family proud.  And most importantly, I want to prove to myself that I can do this.

So here it is.  Here's the difference between 16 weeks out, my first day of this prep, and 6 weeks out.

I can't wait to see the results at the end of this prep!  5 1/2 weeks to go!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Week 5

I've dropped the ball on posting anything.  My bad... I'm currently 11 weeks out from show and it's crazy to think that I have about 2 1/2 months left before I hit the stage to showcase what I've been working my ass off for.  

My diet has drastically changed from flexible dieting to a very strict regimen of veggies, egg whites, turkey, fish and a very small amount of bison.  I do miss my pancakes and peanut butter though.  I've started a thought process when driving by a place that smells delicious.  "Would you eat it even if you weren't on this diet?  If you would, would it satisfy you?"  The answer is usually "no".  So this aspect is getting easier.  Even when I have a child sitting next to me eating his pizza for dinner.  

This weekend I will be heading up to Dallas again for another posing clinic.  We do practice our posing at least once a week with our team and should be practicing daily on our own, but it's very beneficial for us to travel to get insight from another coach as to how we can improve.  Same as any other sport I guess.  I will also hopefully get to see my suit!  I'm very excited to see the progress made on it.  

So as there's not much more to report on, here's my current progress pictures.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Week 2 (15 Weeks Out)

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I started week 2 of this journey on Friday.  Week 1 was rough.  My coach ended up switching my diet up RIGHT after I posted about my delicious protein pancakes...  I went from a 2,200 calorie diet to an average of 1,300 calories within 24 hours.  I was cranky (still am at times), tired, HUNGRY and was constantly thinking about food and my next meal.  Well, the crankiness, fatigue and most of the hunger have subsided.  I'm still thinking about the foods I really want, like a HUGE spoonful of peanut butter, and still thinking about my next meal.  Hell, I'm thinking about my next meal before I finish the meal I'm currently eating!  I've also started 5 days a week of fasted cardio.  Which means I'm up before 5am getting my blood pumping and burning fat on an empty stomach.  But hey, I'm down 2 pounds!

Something else we did this week was take my body fat percentage.  I was shocked to find out that I'm at about 11.21% (she used old school metal bf calipers)!!  I had prepared myself for about 17%.  11.21%!!!!  I'll need to be lower once competition day gets here, but that's a great start for prep!

So anyway, here are this week's progress pics:

Friday, February 27, 2015

Week 1 (16 Weeks Out)

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Today was the first day of my 16 week prep for competition.  It started with touching base with my coach.  I will now be reporting weekly to her with progress pictures as well as my current weight, measurements and how well I've stuck to the nutrition plan.  I've decided that I will be sharing those pictures on my blog as well.  I want you to be apart of this process with me.  You'll see progress and hopefully no stall-outs.

The last couple of months we've been focusing on building mass.  Now we'll be focusing on cutting the fat and hopefully maintaining as much muscle mass as possible.

So here are the first progress pics of this prep...
Not much in the visible ab department.  I need to lean out as a whole and try and go for an X shape.  And I'm still working on posing. 

My back is way more developed than I was expecting, but I still have some work to do. 

All in all, I'm happy with how far I've come, but I know I still have a ways to go. 

Until next week, but first let me share my first meal of my first prep! :)

Yes, protein pancakes!  I'll eat pancakes until they don't fit my macros anymore or until my coach says "no more".  These are made with 1/2c flap jacked buttermilk protein pancake mix and 1/2c muscle egg pumpkin spice (you could use whatever flavor you wanted),  topped with walden farms pancake syrup.  Delicious.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

"If It Hurts, You're Doing It Right"

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So a couple of weeks ago I attended my first show as a spectator.  My coach asked that I make the trip so that I could get an idea as to how a show would run.  Although it was a small show, it was educational, and in some ways gave me more confidence in what I am doing.

Another thing happened.  I was measured for my suit!  It was exciting!  I went back and looked at all of the different fabrics.  Touched them, stretched them, everything short of smelling or licking them.  I left with a few swatches to take to my coach and see what she would suggest.  Apparently, regardless of how orange, red or brown you are on stage, your skin tone will still show through.  So it's very important that you try and compliment your cool or warm skin tone so that you don't get washed out.

Which one will it be????  Here's a hint, the pinks were thrown out.

One other very important thing happened.  I attended my first posing practice.  It was intense.  You're asked to pop your booty out, face your hips forward (but make sure that your number that is placed at your hip is facing the judges), turn your shoulders towards your judges and keep your lats spread.  Remember to keep that booty back and tummy tucked.  Smile.  This is your "relaxed" pose.  "If it hurts, you're doing it right."  We did this for almost 2 hours!  My back was on fire and was sore for 2 days after.  But I'm hooked.  ANNND I didn't fall on my face walking in my stripper heels.  #winning Since then, I've attended a smaller and shorter practice.  I love it!  We've got another local practice lined up this Sunday.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

It Has Been Decided

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So a show has been decided on.  I'll be stepping on stage for my first ever figure competition in June at the Dallas Europa Expo.

Within this last week, my coach has gotten me a suit fitting scheduled, set up a posing seminar and has started preparing me for what's to come.  One thing we've learned is that I need to learn to walk in 5" heels.
I may in fact die.  To give you a visual in your own head of what I look like while walking in these bad boys;  I look like a baby deer taking it's first Bambi steps.

I had to go to an adult boutique store located smack dab in the middle of a shopping center, surrounded by 4 family oriented restaurants, to get these suckers.

My prep will start at 16 weeks out, making February 27th my last day of freedom.

Training has already started to change and become more specific with the intensity being notched up a bit.  The goal right now is to build more muscle while maintaining lean muscle mass...and learning to walk in a straight line with my stipper heels on while maintaining a smile on my face.

I will trust the process, as it's gotten me this far.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Time To Make Some Decisions

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So this weekend was going to be a weekend of education for me.  There was a gym located in Plano, that is hosting an NPC workshop on Saturday, which will cover so much information I feel like I need!  Everything from training, choosing the right suit, meal prep and posing for your class.  Sunday, I was planning on heading over to South Lake for a two-hour private posing session.  This weekend was just going to start this year and my goals off in the right direction with so much momentum.  However, West Texas ended up getting completely frozen over.  Of course it did.  Not snowman building kind of cold, just ice.  Thanks Elsa.  :(  The roads are horrible.  People up North are probably doing the belly grabbing, laughing with tears in their eyes at this.  I can already see the comments... "girl, you don't know icy roads".  You're absolutely right.  That's why I'm not driving on them.
Anyway, so about a week ago, I was texting my coach about this awesome trip (insert grumpy cat face here), and she had mentioned that she wasn't sure which class she wanted me competing in.  I didn't really ask anything about it.  I guess I figured "Maybe I'm too small for figure?  I'm not developing enough muscle mass  to be in the Figure category - she must be deciding on bikini or figure."  I'm not going to lie, I was a little bummed.  I know it's not for everybody, but I love the bigger muscles.  Not the super over the top build (body building), but the ones that have retained their feminine physique.  In fact, I follow a lot of Nicole Wilkins (figure competitor) and Dana Linn Bailey's (physique competitor) social media accounts just because I'm so eager to learn what they do!
Nicole Wilkins          dlb
For a visual reference, here we have Nicole Wilkins on the left and Dana Linn Bailey on the right.  Can you see the difference in muscle mass?
So anyway, my coach and I were discussing the poor weather conditions and deciding on what our options were for traveling, when I asked her what she meant by 'she was undecided' regarding my class.  I asked if she was referring to bikini or figure, and she lol'd (because we were texting) and said she was thinking figure or physique!  My jaw physically dropped when I read that!  I'm just so shocked.  I just never really figured I'd have the type of frame to do physique.  Don't get me wrong, I love both categories, but in physique they do a routine, and I'm really not the most coordinated person.  Like I'm fully capable of rolling my ankle standing completely still.
So what's the point of this post?  There's not one really.  I guess I've had all day to really absorb what my coach has told me, and I'm still in shock.  We may be meeting on Sunday for a small posing class, so maybe we'll figure out the plan then.  Either way, I need a goal.  We need to decide on a show and a category.  There's a 16 week prep in my future.