Friday, February 27, 2015

Week 1 (16 Weeks Out)

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Today was the first day of my 16 week prep for competition.  It started with touching base with my coach.  I will now be reporting weekly to her with progress pictures as well as my current weight, measurements and how well I've stuck to the nutrition plan.  I've decided that I will be sharing those pictures on my blog as well.  I want you to be apart of this process with me.  You'll see progress and hopefully no stall-outs.

The last couple of months we've been focusing on building mass.  Now we'll be focusing on cutting the fat and hopefully maintaining as much muscle mass as possible.

So here are the first progress pics of this prep...
Not much in the visible ab department.  I need to lean out as a whole and try and go for an X shape.  And I'm still working on posing. 

My back is way more developed than I was expecting, but I still have some work to do. 

All in all, I'm happy with how far I've come, but I know I still have a ways to go. 

Until next week, but first let me share my first meal of my first prep! :)

Yes, protein pancakes!  I'll eat pancakes until they don't fit my macros anymore or until my coach says "no more".  These are made with 1/2c flap jacked buttermilk protein pancake mix and 1/2c muscle egg pumpkin spice (you could use whatever flavor you wanted),  topped with walden farms pancake syrup.  Delicious.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

"If It Hurts, You're Doing It Right"

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So a couple of weeks ago I attended my first show as a spectator.  My coach asked that I make the trip so that I could get an idea as to how a show would run.  Although it was a small show, it was educational, and in some ways gave me more confidence in what I am doing.

Another thing happened.  I was measured for my suit!  It was exciting!  I went back and looked at all of the different fabrics.  Touched them, stretched them, everything short of smelling or licking them.  I left with a few swatches to take to my coach and see what she would suggest.  Apparently, regardless of how orange, red or brown you are on stage, your skin tone will still show through.  So it's very important that you try and compliment your cool or warm skin tone so that you don't get washed out.

Which one will it be????  Here's a hint, the pinks were thrown out.

One other very important thing happened.  I attended my first posing practice.  It was intense.  You're asked to pop your booty out, face your hips forward (but make sure that your number that is placed at your hip is facing the judges), turn your shoulders towards your judges and keep your lats spread.  Remember to keep that booty back and tummy tucked.  Smile.  This is your "relaxed" pose.  "If it hurts, you're doing it right."  We did this for almost 2 hours!  My back was on fire and was sore for 2 days after.  But I'm hooked.  ANNND I didn't fall on my face walking in my stripper heels.  #winning Since then, I've attended a smaller and shorter practice.  I love it!  We've got another local practice lined up this Sunday.